Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

Feedeem event bus is a library for defining event and event handle, event bus for RabbitMQ use Windsor DI.
Workflow Core IOC for Castle.Windsor is an IOC provider of Castle.Windsor for workflow engine targeting .NET Standard.
Windsor facility for SolrNet. SolrNet is a .NET Open Source client for Apache Solr. This version of SolrNet is compatible with Solr 1.x to Solr 7.x.
This package is a core to the Gear Cms
Caramel Web Mvc Castle
Caramel NHibernate Castle
Provides a Castle Windsor XML configuration of the common service locator for console applications.
Provides a Castle Windsor XML configuration of the common service locator for web applications.
The NHibernate Facility enables the usage of NHibernate O/R framework for your components.
Get started with Facebook Development quickly with FaceSharp!
Fluent JDF contains everything you need to quickly add JDF capabilities to any client application. It includes powerful tools that allow you to easily author, parse and send JDF from your client applications. This package uses Castle Windsor and NLog. Support for log4net and othe...
Castle Windsor integration with Rhino.ServiceBus
Castle extension to support interceptors for types and methods
Run00.OpenProfile.JanrainEngage contains contracts used to abstract user profiles.
This package contains a Castle Windsor implementation of the abstract ServiceLocator.
Implementación de un contenedor de inyección de dependencia con Unity y Windsor Castle. IoC, IoContainer, Unity, Windsor, IocUnityManager, IocWindsorManager, IocWindsorHelper