Top 20 NuGet WinRT Packages

WinRT Framework

A template to simplify integration of the PortableRazor Plugin for Xamarin and Windows in your app.
Show svg image on xaml UI.
A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
The Coding4Fun Toolkit has multiple controls and useful items for XAML based applications.
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Provides Media Extensions applying image effects from the Lumia Imaging SDK, Win2D, and DirectX HLSL pixel shaders to videos via MediaTranscoder, MediaComposition, MediaCapture, or MediaElement. Enables overlays, effect animations, cropping, creating square videos, and video analysis (ZXing.Net barc...
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Charting Controls for Windows 10, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
An easy to use extension for SQLite.Net PCL that allows you to seamlessly encrypt/decrypt data when inserted/accessed from the database by adding one simple attribute. Works great one all major platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Universal)
SQLite Library for Windows 8.1
Portable Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Windows Silverlight 8 and .NET framework platforms based on PCLCrypto portable crypto layer Supported algorithms Signing: - HMAC signatures with HS256, HS384 and HS512...
A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Wrapper for communication between main code web workers or iframes
run custom scripts in a isolated sandbox
Helpers for WinRT applications
Cimbalino Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows applications. This is the main component of the toolkit.
Xamarin.Forms Web View that supports cookies and loading pages event
Control to show progress indicator on a page or globally in the application
control to manage ListView layouts in your markup instead of code
Control for managing an extended splash screen in WinRT apps