Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

An updated version of the NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
A extension of the NCommon container adapter for Ninject
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for StructureMap
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Castle Windsor
An updated version of the NCommon container adapter for Autofac
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Unity
EF4 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework server base library.
Common base library N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework client base library.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF6. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF6.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF5. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF5.
N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight client base library.
EF6 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
A ready to use FakeDbSet for faking Entity Framework code upgraded for EF 5 and .NET 4.5.
The core of FastDAO, an object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
OleDb adapter for FastDAO, an object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
EFSpecs is a library to assist in testing your entity framework model mapping. It will create an entity with the values you provide it with, then send that entity off to the database, then pull it from the database to verify the values were saved correctly. And being the good citizen that it is, the...
Set of extension methods representing a lightweight orm and a migration framework, for use with Dapper.
Enables using LINQ to query persistent collections