Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

NHibernate bulk batcher for PostgreSQL
DotNetHelper.Database is a lightweight ORM that works with generics,dynamic, & anonyous objects for ADO.NET
Mysql, postgresql, sqlserver, Oracle and SQLite connection object extension methods.
Extensions for using Mapping Attribures with NHibernate.
Extensions for using NHibernate in Asp.Net Core.
The tool to display the sql generated by EntityFrameworkCore, developers can view the sql and the excute time via browser.
PocoData is a simple, database agnostic data access layer. Because sometimes you need simpler, lighter data access methods.
The CData APIs Provider enables you to access data from various APIs and flat files using standard database technologies.
EFCore-based encapsulated unit of work makes it easier for everyone to use EFCore
MS Sql extension for Xyapper with T-SQL specific functions such as bulk copy and others.
Provides ASP.NET Identity and EntityFrameworkCore implementation for DevAccelerate Identity.
ATF.Repository is the open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Creatio
A high performance Hybrid-ORM, supporting CRUD-operations, DB-Migrations and Data-Listing(views, filtering, sorting, paging) for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL, SQLite and others
关系数据库对象关系开发框架,包括SQL Server、Oracle、MySQL、PostgreSQL的.net及.net core版本
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework Classic Code First.
Methods for quick prototyping difficult models. You can add more specified columns: UserID, ParentID You can create database indexes and queries by function JSON_VALUE
A high performance Hybrid-ORM, supporting CRUD-operations, DB-Migrations and Data-Listing(views, filtering, sorting, paging) for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL, SQLite and others