Top 20 NuGet HTML Packages

.Net wrapper for wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage.
An API wrapper for interacting with the DOM API in .NET
Using AlmightyPDF to create your first pdf document: 
using almightypdf.Models; using almightypdf.Services;
IPdf pdf = new Pdf(); pdf.CreateAndSavePDF(PdfElements pdfElements); Parameters: String Header
String Body
String Footer
String Stylesheet
Int HeaderHeight
Int FooterHeight
String FileN...
Generate typed typescript file from you razor cshtml files.
Webezi.Abp.HtmlToPdf.Pdfcrowd is an extension to use Webezi.Extensions.HtmlToPdf.Pdfcrowd in AspNetCore
Html, Css, Js and Sql minifier and formatter
Fornax is a static site generator using type safe F# DSL to define page layouts.
A web operation automation library in C# (.NET Core)
Razor reader
Package Description
This project implements the library wkhtmltopdf for asp net core and a view engine, working in windows and linux and docker. For more information about how to use it, go to
My package description.
There are incredible options for web scrapping like BeautifulSoup4 in python, but I needed an easy to use and understand scrapper for .Net family. This is a simple, extensible and easy to understand html scrapper. Using a fluid syntax you'll be able to extract information from HTML documents (extens...
Package Description
Elmish components as React elements without the boilerplate based on the Feliz API
This can be optionally used to extract animated image frames when using the Eto.Wpf platform.
This can be optionally used to extract animated image frames when using the Eto.Mac64 platform.
This can be optionally used to extract animated image frames using ImageSharp. To load the adapter, do this before creating the HtmlRenderer control: Platform.Instance.LoadAssembly("Eto.HtmlRenderer.ImageSharp");
Provides a control to use in Eto.Forms that displays HTML content. Use one of the platform-specific nuget packages, or Eto.HtmlRenderer.ImageSharp to enable animated GIF support.
C# package with a HTML DSL and support for generating HTML elements and serializing object graphs to HTML