Top 20 NuGet zeromq Packages

A memory cache module for the Nyan data service stack
An AES encryption module for the Nyan data service stack
A UDP Log module for the Nyan data service stack
Redistributable components for package 'libzmq-nightly'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Symbols for package 'libzmq-nightly'. This package should not likely be installed. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'libzmq'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
CZMQ has these goals: To wrap the ØMQ core API in semantics that are natural and lead to shorter, more readable applications. To hide the differences between versions of ØMQ, particularly 2.x and 3.x. To provide a space for development of more sophisticated API semantics. To wrap th...
A lightweight message routing library supporting various messaging frameworks and serialization formats.
Castle ZeroMQ Facility for Castle Windsor - allows one to make remote invocation using zmq as transport and protobuf (by default) as persistence. For more info see
A lightweight RPC framework for .NET built on nanomsg (client side library)
Typed version of the Hyperletter library.
Generate NetMQ binary messages.
C# implementation of ZeroMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol. Automatic discovery of nodes anywhere on the network!
A XML serialization support for the Message.Router library.
A NetMQ support for the Message.Router library.
A JSON serialization support for the Message.Router library.
This is a C# implementation of the Z85 specification found at: It supports the formal specification as well as an option to automatically pad the input bytes.
The netzmq project contains .NET bindings for ZeroMQ, an open-source, high performance transport layer. The project provides an idiomatic, test-friendly API and targets the Any CPU platform. Everything needed to write ZeroMQ programs is bundled in the netzmq assembly for both 32- and 64-bit platform...
Crossroads I/O (libxs) is an open source, high performance transport layer. This package includes compiled versions of the native libxs library for x86 and x64.