Top 20 NuGet zeromq Packages

.NET bindings for the nanomsg library
UNOFFICIAL: NetMQ is 100% C# native port of ZeroMQ. NetMQ is lightweight high performance messaging library. This current version is still in alpha phase and not recommended for production usage yet
Castle ZeroMQ Bindings - More info at
C# ZeroMQ wrapper
Simple .NET binding for libzmq.
A lightweight RPC framework for .NET built on nanomsg (server side library)
Devices for NetMQ, used to be part of NetMQ and now separate project
SSL implemenation over NetMQ, used to be part of NetMQ and now separate project
Package Description
A package that compile NetMQ in .Net Framework 3.5, which supports using in Unity3D.
FSharp binding for NetMQ
Javascript client for NetMQ/ZeroMQ over WebSocket. Please note ZeroMQ/NetMQ don't support WebSockets yet, but you can download NetMQ.WebSockets from nuget as an extesnion to NetMQ.
The crossroads-net project contains .NET bindings for Crossroads I/O, an open source, high performance transport layer. Targets Any CPU and includes compiled versions of the native libxs library for x86 and x64.
An extension to clrzmq that allows a more .NETish usage of ZeroMQ
.NET Standard ZeroMQ wrapper
Set of nodes to work with NetMQ aka ZeroMQ
Zero Mq contract based wrappers