Top 20 NuGet zeromq Packages
A 100% native C# port of the lightweight high performance messaging library ZeroMQ
Library of components for managing standard and TLS asynchronous TCP/UDP/Multicast client/server connections, as well as serial and file-based communication in a client/server interface based abstraction layer.
A 100% native C# port of the lightweight high performance messaging library ZeroMQ (Planetarium fork)
Reactive Extensions (RX) with NetMQ as the transport layer. Send messages anywhere on the network!
Succubus Distributed Application Framework
fszmq is an MPLv2-licensed F# binding for the ZeroMQ distributed computing library.
This library is primarily designed to be consumed from F#.
However, where possible, the library has been designed to appear "friendly" when consumed by other .NET languages (C#, et aliam).
NOTE: This package **ONLY*...
ZeroMQ C# CLR namespace (.NET and mono, Windows and Linux, x86 and amd64)
The clrzmq project contains .NET bindings for ØMQ (ZeroMQ), an open source, high performance transport layer. Targets Any CPU and includes compiled versions of the native libzmq library for x86 and x64.
ZeroMQ(也称为 ØMQ,0MQ 或 zmq)是一个可嵌入的网络通讯库(对 Socket 进行了封装)。 它提供了携带跨越多种传输协议(如:进程内,进程间,TCP 和多播)的原子消息的 sockets 。 有了ZeroMQ,我们可以通过发布-订阅、任务分发、和请求-回复等模式来建立 N-N 的 socket 连接。 ZeroMQ 的异步 I / O 模型为我们提供可扩展的基于异步消息处理任务的多核应用程序。当前组件使用了NetMQ 为CAP提供了 发布-订阅, 推送-拉取两种消息模式。 示例请参见Sample.ZeroMQ.InMemory, 当测试 推送-拉取 消息模式时 , 可以启动 ...
A lightweight MQ-solution. Like a mix of WCF and ZeroMQ (ZMQ).
Succubus Distributed Application Framework
Hosted ZeroMQ as service
Create streams using a Pub/Sub model leveraging Observables over several different queuing technologies including ZeroMQ, MSMQ and Kafka.
This project can be incorporated with Reactive Extensions to create powerful event processing solutions.
ZeroMq based implementation of Dynamic Queue.
NLog based logging in Dynamic Queue.
ZeroMQ's Z85 Encoding and the extended version. Formats for representing binary data as printable text.
Package Description
ServiceProxy.Zmq is a scalable request/reply messaging framework built with ZeroMQ that supports service contracts using ServiceProxy.
ZeroMQ \zeromq\:
- Connect your code in any language, on any platform.
- Carries messages across inproc, IPC, TCP, TPIC, multicast.
- Smart patterns like pub-sub, push-pull, and router-dealer.
- High-speed asynchronous I/O engines, in a tiny library.
- Backed by a large and active open source commun...
Core module for the Nyan data service stack