Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Provides abstractions for Xamarin file storage.
Notify user when a new version of your app is available.
Xamarin.iOS.WeChat without payment
simple draw lib 4 xamarin workbook
XCore - UIControls component
腾讯微信支付绑定 安卓绑定 6.8.18 支持maui 非腾讯官方版本
Easy to use with an internal icon of your choice. Contains several properties.
Interactive and modern calendar for Xamarin forms with two weeks shown.
Modern Xamarin.Forms Calendar that is both interactive and also fits well with only two weeks showing.
ZFPlayer ijkplayer 绑定完成
Xamarin.iOS Stripe.
Bluetooth Plugin for Xamarin Forms (Android only)
Xamarin bindings for PaperOnboarding library by Ramotion
Package Description
Plugin Description
TriggerIt is a lightweight library for triggering actions based on logged events or uptime. It's origin is in Xamarin Forms development but it can be easily extended.
This is a test plugin as a POC to submit to Nuget package
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
Exif library for Android