Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Quick library for using SpriteFontPlus with the MonoGame content pipeline
MSBuild targets/tasks to add ApiXml analysis and Metadata generation support to Xamarin.Android bindings projects
This package includes Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls like APIs cross-platform such as: - Orientation for providing constants that specify the different orientations that a control or layout can have.
Screen brightness plugin
Nblockchain.Xamarin.Essentials: a kit of essential API's for your apps
Xamarin.iOS Binding of AGEmojiKeyboard library by Giuseppe Novielli
Simix.SuperMidia.Services Plugin for Xamarin
Fancy carousel flow layout for UICollectionView. It comes with a paginated effect and it shrinks and makes transparent the side items
.NET Bindings for Torch
Take or pick photos and videos from a cross platform API.
GooglePlay Services 16.2.0 Binding Lib for Xamarin
Easily Create camera perview feature in Xamarin.Forms
A portable NoSql database for .NET applications with a single table per file. The field types are native CLR types, and arrays of the same, eg: Int32, Boolean, Byte[]. Multiple databases can be joined using LINQ.
A library to enable direct binding of events in your views and methods in the view models, provide easy way of creating commands and commands collection, and also create data preview of your view models at design time.
Xamarin bindings for Cordova Android platform