Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

MVVM framework for Xamarin.Native.
MVVM framework for Xamarin.Native.
Plugin for xamarin applications
Xamarin.Android Binding Library for com.jaredrummler.materialspinner 修复了全屏幕黑边问题
Provide the implementation class of System.Windows.Input.ICommand.
Plugin for xamarin applications
An Android TextView with a shimmering effect. Shimmer-android is an Android port of Facebook Shimmer library for iOS.
.Net HotReloading
Helper library for Xamarin Android & iOS to perform various networking operations
[Xamarin]A nice separator with dash functionality and text and image inside optionally, being automatically scalable.
Nuget package for the Xamarin PlayFab SDK
Plugin Description
XCore base component for Xamarin iOS
XCore - Xamarin native component for mobile cross platform application
Xamarin iOS library of AloeStackView - is a class that allows a collection of views to be laid out in a vertical list.
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms