Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

A responsive LayoutView for Xamarin.Forms where you can define multiple layout templates for different widths, platforms or device types (Idioms).
Xamarin.Essentials: a kit of essential API's for your apps
Xamarin Binding for Intercom iOS
Cross platform UWP-inspired graphics primitives, for XAML and code
Cross platform UWP-inspired graphics primitives, for XAML and code
Cross platform UWP-inspired graphics primitives, for XAML and code
Xamarin.Android bindings for the spotify android auth package
网易七鱼 ios xamarin 绑定库
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Bindings for Io.PerfMark.PerfMarkApi io.perfmark:perfmark-api package (Google GRPC dependency)
Printing of PDFs, Images, WebViews and URLs, using Xamarin.Forms on Android, iOS and UWP. Some is still work-in-progress (particularly WebViews and URLs on UWP) but other bits should be ready for use.
AliCloudPush Droid Binding
Xamarin bindings library for the PdfBox-Android library from Tom Roush.
Xamarin Binding for Intercom iOS
Models for the Zound server APIs to build applications on top of our Zound server API
Xamarin.iOS Bindings for IQKeyboardManager Library
Firebase cloud messaging for Xamarin.Forms (iOS + Android)
Xamarin android binding library of SubsamplingScaleImageView.
MoEngage Xamarin SDK
C# bindings for the Sparkle update framework for macOS applications. This package is designed for Xamarin.Mac full projects.