Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

An ImageButton that supports selected states in Xamarin Forms.
Simple package that allows you to create a CardView in Xamarin.Forms projects for the three platforms (Android, iOS, UWP)
Manipulate August Smart Lock devices using Bluetooth LE using this plugin.
OAuth2 webauthenticator for Xamarin.Forms.
A wrapper for Gisgraphy written in .NET
Xamarin FileStorage Abstractions
Xamarin.Forms Picker component with support for bindings. Usage: ... xmlns:bp="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.BindablePicker;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.BindablePicker" ... <bp:BindablePicker ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" ...
An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Xamarin Android & Xamarin iOS.
Color conversion netstandard class library
A Bottom Navigation Bar implementation for Xamarin Forms. Fork of with a couple of fixes.
Portable class library for interfacing hardware devices.
.Net 4.5 extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain
Firmata extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain.
Attached property for making animated progress bars using Xamarin Forms
Package Description
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain
Interactvie Alerts fo Xamarin iOS/Android/PCL
Easily detect device capabilities across Windows, Android, and iOS.