Top 20 NuGet wcf Packages

This TVA Code Library is a collection of class libraries that extends and expands the functionality included in Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It makes some of Microsoft’s functions simpler to use, and adds functions that Microsoft did not include in the .NET Framework.
The "WCF Validation Engine" is a lightweight extensible library to support validation in WCF. It's implementation is strongly based on ASP.NET MVC Source code , that means if you has already familiar with ModelMetatadata, ModelMetadataProvider, ModelValidatorProvider, ModelValidator, you will find i...
Extensions to WCF Data Services that make it easier to expose arbitrary data sources.
NetSqlAzMan is for all Microsoft .NET 4.0 developers that need to manage loosely-coupled applicative authorizations, that is, weakly coupled with source code, in a light and fast way having all these authorizations in a relational database such as MS Sql Server (2000/MSDE/2005/2008/Express).
Communication library for asynchronous, actor based, distributed computing, based on WCF. Supporting async-await, application internal and external message passing, no config files, service discovery by name, Mono and .NET 3.5 - 4.5.
Before installing on Win2008 run Powershell.exe and then "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"! The only real alternative to IIS, UWS is a redistributable web server for Windows that can packaged with your ASP.NET web application and installed on your customers' systems along with your web app or site...
Code generator and Fluent configuration extensions for RIAServices.M2M.
PCL-compatible service proxy for consuming WCF/SOAP services. This proxy solves some common problems when dealing with SOAP-based Windows Communication Foundation services. Features: * Auto-closing of client * Automatic client and channel disposing * Handles all types...
A lightweight WCF extensions library that simplifies the development of WCF clients and services
WFE is a framework to extend Workflow Foundation 4.5 with a large toolbox of activities (WCF, Twitter, Azure, Network, Math...)
This assembly sets up and delivers the OData and WCF webservices.
Easy integration between NHibernate and WCF, ASP.NET MVC, Web services
[FX4.0] This module contains BasicAuthenticationHttpModule module that allow you using easily a custom basic http authentication for every IIS/ASP.NET hosted applications, like also WCF REST, WCF SOAP, OData Services & so on...
EFMembership gives you Membership Provider for System.Security.Membership or WebMatrix. With supporting OAuthMembership for external login like (Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, ...). You can use your custom model class or Builtin exist models like my Default models or Microsoft membership style
Набор вспомогательных классов для регистрации компонентов сборки Rikrop.Core.Wcf в Unity.
OpenRiaServices CodeGen provides the MsBuild Tasks to generate the client proxy when using signed assemblies on the server.
Helper library with a WCF behavior for configuring the Data Contract Serializer to handle cyclical references.
Its a little/tiny/simple way to create your proxy/channel from a service contract
Library provides WCF Rest behaviors extension - EnableCorsBehavior - CustomAuthenticationBehavior - TypedUriTemplateBehavior See more details here: