Top 20 NuGet wcf Packages

Hawk Http Authentication for WCF REST
StyleMVVM.WCF library adds dependency injection to a WCF service (.Net only)
RIAServices.Silverlight.DomainDataSource provides the DomainDataSource control for Silverlight, providing a declarative model for binding UI controls to a DomainContext. This package can be used instead of adding references from the WCF RIA Services MSI installation.
This assembly executes the hub service via a windows service.
This assembly executes the Hub server on the console.
This assembly delivers components for creating the EF context dynamically and migrating the MS SQL database if necessary.
WcfExtensions is a basic library which serves for configuring custom behaviors for wcf services, and finally this is possible by using a default class which derives from BehaviorExtensionElement, allowing to avoid a local implementation of BehaviorExtensionElement on wcf service project.
Library of miscellaneous convenience methods, zero-config fluent logging, and more...
A library containing the classes necessary for WCF services to be driven by StructureMap as an IoC. This is basically this article in code form.
Набор компонентов для работы с WCF.
Unity.Wcf is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with WCF. This project includes a bespoke InstanceProvider that creates a child container per client connection and disposes of all registered IDisposable instances once the connection is terminated.
Open RIA Services Contrib - Entity Tools
OpenRiaServices.Signed.LinqToSql provides the LinqToSqlDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with a DataContext class from Linq to Sql.
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client package in order to make upgrading easy.
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client.Core package in order to make upgrading easy.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Silverlight.DomainDataSource provides the DomainDataSource control for Silverlight, providing a declarative model for binding UI controls to a DomainContext.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.UnitTesting provides a DomainServiceTestHost that can be used to unit test your Domain Services.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Silverlight.ComboBoxExensions are a direct port of OpenRiaServices.ComboBoxExtensions.
OpenRiaServices.Silverlight.ComboBoxExensions are a direct port of OpenRiaServices.ComboBoxExtensions.
Typed version of the Hyperletter library.