Top 20 NuGet unittest Packages

AFrame is a common automation framework built ontop of Selenium for Web Apps, Microsoft CodedUI for Desktop Apps and Appium for Mobile Apps. Utilizing the page object pattern and many others, AFrame gives your automation scripts the ability to be maintainable, flexible, and relia...
Unit test for package -- 'Standard.Extensions'.
Common entry point for any unit test assembly in eShopWorld.
The Unit Test Library provides a unit test framework.
XUnit extensions in order to have new attributes. The attributes depending how you use them can be fully discoverable or more simple and not fully displayed in your test explorer. - Theory + FileData: Load the file content as string - Theory + JsonFileData: Load the JSON file into a typed object - ...
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains an ILogContext which writes to a Serilog ILogger.
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains experimental code that might some day make it to the Mocklis or Mocklis.Core packages.
A unit testing framework, built on Moq, for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE
Extensions for the core LeanTest. Allows for easy integration between LeanTest and ASP.NET Core based tests. You do not need this package if you prefer the factory-less way of initialization.
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains tools for writing tests using the generated code.
A minimalistic .NET library for testing with mocks.
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for NUnit. This provides only single .cs file.
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for This provides only single .cs file.
Framework for Microsoft SharePoint© 2010, 2013 and 2016. Allows to map list items to simple hand-writen POCO classes and perform actions by manipulating with entities. - strong typed operations with items - abstract layer on Sharepoint object model - simplifying recurring routine a...
STA Extensions for the Microsoft Test Framework - MSTest V2
Extension methods for accessing private fields / properties for unit test projects. Supported platform: - .NET Framework 4.0+ - .NET Core 2.0+
A testable replacement for DateTime.
Unit tests Data Access implementations for Entity framework