Top 20 NuGet ui Packages

Xamarin UI Base Component
MVVM FX is a framework for building applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. Data binding, Command binding and DependencyObject/DependencyProperty for WinForms.
A programmatic approach to building Xamarin.iOS UIs with stack views (horizontal and vertical) and animations during segue transitions
TUI (Text User Interface) compatible with netstandard2.0 Uses only Console class.
WPF MainApp Ui
This package helps you to execute PreflightHQ chrome extension exports.
A .NET/WPF generic media player UI to use with any media player
WebPx Core Library
A dialog for asking user to update the mobile app (Android/iOS), and navigate to the store if agreed Not including any system to manage updates, e.g. check for updates Currently for internal use only Docs:
A dialog for asking user to update the mobile app (Android/iOS), and navigate to the store if agreed Not including any system to manage updates, e.g. check for updates Currently for internal use only Docs:
Framework for abstract data driven pages
Extended UI Controls Library
Flow Frame is a new and improved Frame control. This builds upon the default frame control by providing high-performance page transition animations powered by the composition layer. Fresh, new animations will be used by default
A class library for UI components implemented as tag helpers
FivePower.Ui.Vue是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架的Vue组件类库。
Xamarin iOS binding library of IDMPhotoBrowser - Photo Browser / Viewer inspired by Facebook's and Tweetbot's, swipe-to-dismiss, image progress and more.
A Designer Framework for WPF UIs - Addon for Expression Interaction