Top 20 NuGet ui Packages

Set of methods to facilitate waiting a certain amount of time for a delegate to evaluate, while ignoring certain exceptions while attempting to evaluate, and throwing after a specified time limit (or throwing immediately if an unexpected exception is encountered)
A collection of common WPF controls and utilities
Framework for UI Automation Testing
WebAssembly support for Winforms apps. ONLY use with NetCore or NetStandard apps!
Liberator Dynamic Page Engine can be used to acquire page objects for Selenium.
Xamarin iOS library of AloeStackView - is a class that allows a collection of views to be laid out in a vertical list.
This package includes Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls like APIs cross-platform such as: - Orientation for providing constants that specify the different orientations that a control or layout can have.
Simple, versatile, universal abstractions for the console, and bringing performance improvements to the table by minimizing as many console calls as possible.
RCP for VL
A WPF UI Library
Package Description
Modern Xamarin.Forms Calendar that is both interactive and also fits well with only two weeks showing.
ShiNe-WPF UI components and buttons
Package Description
WTLPropertyGrid is a ProperyGrid build on top of WTL see for original code see for the updated code, also report issues here.
A Ui-Kit components library for Blazor