Top 20 NuGet ui Packages

These components aim to provide the same components that are available in Semantic UI React, but for the new Blazor framework
Allows using real-word measurements to achieve relational comparisons of objects via CSS.
一款简单漂亮的WPF UI A Beautiful WPF Control UI
Library that acts as an adapter for White to FlaUI.
Library that provides some helper classes and methods for easier testing with FlaUI.
WPF Composite UI library based on Caliburn.Micro
UI system for Warcraft III maps.
UI GUI Helper Framework built for .NET WinForms
HealthChecks.UI.Client contains some mandatory abstractions to work with HealthChecks.UI.
A small helper Library to use with MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit, it allows displaying some common dialogs and returning a result similar to the old fashioned MessageBox class in WinForms.
SKIA drawing engine for WAVES UI WPF.
Fable.GroupingPanel is an F# computation expression for Fable.React that helps you to easily group UI data into one or more collapsible groups.
AFUI Library for .net 5.0
Ganymede Framework es una herramienta de generación dinámica de UI para proyectos basados en metodologías de trabajo MVVM.
Ganymede Framework es una herramienta de generación dinámica de UI para proyectos basados en metodologías de trabajo MVVM.
JSFx is a JavaScript framework / library created to ease the web development. Fixed the dropdown width. Fixed string array selector issue. Added $multiselectdropdown - fix.
Selenium for the Console!
LinqToWindows provides a bunch of ways to access and change opened windows