Top 20 NuGet ui Packages

The Polaris Common Infrastructure contains elements that are shared among multiple Polaris feature packages. By supplying a set of contracts and commonly used functionality to all the feature packages, the Common package permits a losely coupled architecture
Jquery UI Themes : ui-darkness
Build a treeview easily
My package description.
A UI library
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
My ui infrastructure for wpf
This is a drop-in wrapper on top of the classes for interacting with a Leap Motion - it allows for the handling of gesture recognition similar to what you would find in the world of iOS: simple listeners and events abstracted as high as they can go. **IMPORTANT** There are some steps that you must ...
Page builder UI test metaframework
A boilerplate Kendo UI SPA app
Framework for easy testing of UI Web pages with Selenium 2.X based on Virtual Intelligence technology
Filedrops FileSystem UI
The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
Provides resources and controls for adding Eikon look and feel to an App.
Light object model shim that abstracts Selenium WebDriver operations and simplifies running test automation with multiple browsers. SeleniumShim uses implicit retry until timeout loops within calls to FindElement and user actions on IWebElement objects which solves race conditions and problems with ...
Tessler UI Testing Framework
This wrapper allows you to use the C/C++ AntTweakBar library in your C# code through a managed, type-safe interface, letting you quickly create elegant graphical widgets for your tech demos and games. AntTweakBar.NET supports both OpenGL and DirectX, runs on Windows and Linux, and is Mono-compatible...
This wrapper allows you to use the C/C++ AntTweakBar library in your C# code through a managed, type-safe interface, letting you quickly create elegant graphical widgets for your tech demos and games. AntTweakBar.NET supports both OpenGL and DirectX, runs on Windows and Linux, and is Mono-compatible...
山东海天学院 宋兴柱 主题库
The user interface foundation library for the "More" framework.