Top 20 NuGet random Packages

Simulation library for .NET
Random, Email, ParameterDictionary
A package to help create random data for unit tests
.NET Standard 2.0 Implementation of random asset name generation similar to the way Docker works.
.NET library that mimics behaviour of some Haskell functions and types.
Tools and extensions to the .Net framework.
Randomizing tools
Provably Fair Generator
Whoami provide Identity which is based date and time.
Spell provide phrases which is only known you.
Library based on System.Threading.Interlocked class. Provides lock-free thread safe objects and methods to act like long, int, double, bool, Random. Easy to extend and write own thread safe functions based on this library.
QuasiRandomGenerator, HaltonSequence N dimensions
Contains two major parts. One is RNGRandom, a random number generator base on System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider that is thread-safe, avoid modulo bias, and safely handle edge cases; The other one is extension methods of all numeric type for System.Random, or whoever inherit from ...
Generate random gibberish for testing, prototyping or layout purposes.
Basic wrapper for the API of, an online random name generator.
Random Extension Methods for SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, short, int, long
Random dll, that can returns float value
Creates a weighted random distribution. Can be used when certain values should occure more or less than when using Random. Values and distribution weight is supplied into the constructor. WeightedRandom.Next() can then be called to get the next value.
Random user-agent generator for NET Core projects
NumRand generates random numbers from chaotic motion. Each different initial position of the algorithm yields unique results.