Top 20 NuGet random Packages
Methods for shuffling IList and IEnumerable
A PCG pseudorandom number generator implementation for .NET and Fable. PCG ( is a family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good algorithms for random number generation.
A buffered and thread-safe wrapper around the cryptographic random number generator for .NET and Fable. Compatible with the System.Random interface, plus additional convenience methods.
Crypro-secure random password generator that will generate the exact specified number of digits, special characters, and letters.
Integensoft utilities
This is a direct port of RandomShuffler for Dot Net Framework. Everything should work the same.
I am starting with the same version the Dot Net Framework was at, but since this is the first version for Dot Net Core, use with caution.
Helpful extensions to AutoFixture to handle some F#-specific types.
Basic http client extensions and http utilities
Pacchetto per la generazione casuale di dati (numeri interi, decimali, stringhe random, utenti fake, email, ...)
Generate Name Address City ZipCode Color and a lot more (Current Languages: NL BE US)
Randomizer for NDice using System.Security.Cryptography
Official NDice metapackage for randomizers
.Net library to simplify cryptography in so developers will actually use it
.Net library create random identities that include Name, Address, City, State, Zip, SSN and Date of Birth.
Random.Org Number Generator Client
Collection which allows items to be pulled out randomly including weighting as a consideration
NList brings an enormous number of powerful, STL-like algorithms to the .NET platform for processing indexable collections. There is a handlebars.js-like text generator. It has a powerful IComparer builder. There is a DefaultDictionary class. There is a class to convert an object into a dictionary o...
Fluent API for creating large amounts of test data.
Wrappers and extensions to the .NET collections and LINQ.
Extends the built-in Random class with extra methods.