Top 20 NuGet random Packages

A class which generate an array of random bytes as securely as possible.
SharePoint Random Data and Structure Generator Library
Small lightweight utility for creating friendly random keys and tags in the style of Youtube, Trello and others.
Mersenne-Twister random number generator from C++11 in .NET
Returns Random Password
Returns Random Password
A set of utilities to generate random data for testing, data generation or when you just need to get Random.
Batata Class Library
Evolving AnyValue to use statics instead. Previous methos have been deprecated.
A set of pseudorandom number generators intended for use with Monogame projects
Awesome application returning Hello
Easy-to-use API wrapping .NET's (cryptographically secure) RNGCryptoServiceProvider.
Random interface implemented with Cryptographically-Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator. Everywhere you use System.Random, StrongRandom can be used now. Additionally missing boilerplate extensions for any Random: NextBool, NextChar, NextString etc. added. Strongly unit tested.
MoreComplexDataStructures is a class library containing a collection of data structures (plus related utility classes) more complex than those found in the standard .NET framework. The project currently contains the following data structures and utility classes... WeightBalancedTree<T> - A weight-...
A .NET 4.5 library for randomly generating object data.
Calculates Entropy of a message based on Shannon's Entropy.
Classes, methods and extension methods dealing with randomness, shuffling, and auxiliary classes and methods. The static class "R" contains static methods "Next", "NextDouble" and "NextFloat" which use an internal static Random instance, and also contains extension methods "Shuffle" (which randomiz...
Thread safe random number generator
SQL Data Random