Top 20 NuGet programming Packages
A simple and free Separator Control for Windows Forms applications.
A simple, flat-themed [On/Off] Switch Control for Windows Forms applications.
TableLayoutPanel with highlighted header
Objects and utilities and with the help of LINQ to elegantly support railway oriented programming
.NET Core compatible version of fsharp interactive fsi.exe.
Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (.netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe.
Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (.netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe.
Supported Platforms:
- .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the F# compiler fsc.exe.
Frozen portable profiles
Aspekt is a light weight AOP library. Use it to add cross cutting concerns to your application.
Helper utility with some basic extensions for coding using async/await.
This library offers an elegant and efficient way of handling errors known as railway programming.
With RoboDK API allows you to interact with industrial robots and RoboDK Software. RoboDK Software allows you to simulate and program industrial robots for any manufacturing operation, such as robot machining, inspection or pick and place applications. You can esily program and debug any industrial ...
This small feature is meant to fill the gap created by lack of forward pipe operator in C#.
Package Description
Per instance or per instance method aspect oriented profiler.
Package Description
Adds Railway Oriented Programming to C# by making use of LINQ syntax.
This is helper library for functional programming
The standard runtime for the W programming language