Top 20 NuGet programming Packages

The package is a collection of libraries that can be used for literate programming with F# (great for building documentation) and for generating library documentation from inline code comments. The key componments are Markdown parser, tools for formatting F# code snippets, includin...
Result type written in C# with the ability to chain computations and first class Task/async support. Represents the ability for a computation to fail in a way more appropriate than throwing Exceptions in a lot of cases.
StructureMap provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating with your favorite IoC container. SNAP does not modify compiled code (unlike PostSharp) . It uses your IoC container to create runtime-callable wrappers to intercept your method calls. Source code for SNAP is hosted at http:/...
NProxy is a library for .NET to create lightweight dynamic proxies
Functional Reactive Programming Library for .NET.
Finaquant Protos is a non-commercial and free .NET library with table-valued functions (Table Functions). This .NET library can only be used for non-commercial purposes like education and science. Please see Finaquant Calcs with additional features and unlimited table size for commercial use.
Finaquant Calcs is a commercial .NET library with (1) table-valued functions (Table Functions) and (2) Calculation Nodes and Networks (Calculation Engine). This free 30-day evaluation version comes with restricted table size (max 5000 rows). You may buy a permanent license with unlimited table size.
Simple Design by contract library supporting PreConditions and PostConditions
A .NET object for creating ID fields for Domain Driven Design objects or Document Database ID's. The Id's generated are 16 charactors long so they are much more easy to work with than a GUID. Identity is a struct that can be used as an identity of a class. It's URL safe, case-insensitive, and...
This package includes the .NET Wrapper of Amzi Prolog and Logic Server as well as the Native Logic Server DLL
SDK for developing Diiagramr node libraries.
Gene Expression Programming
Linear Genetic Programming
Nitra compiler macro library for Nemerle compiler.
Set of generic arbitraries to help test graphQL queries and mutations.
Implementation of option type holding a value or representing a none.
Implementation of an OptionType in GraphQL.
Operation libarary that enables railway oriented programming for c# similar to javascript's promises.
Barebone framework to construct flowable program.