Top 20 NuGet notifications Packages
prmToolkit É um projeto com várias classes de apoio ao outros projetos.
# Notification
Classe responsável por gerenciar validações de argumentos.
>Trabalha de forma estática não precisando criar uma nova intancia do objeto
>É possível validar argumentos em várias camadas, centralizand...
An assembly to decouple messages from the CoreMemoryBus
Notification contracts
Create notifications for your Windows 8 apps without that awful XML stuff
Xamarin libraries for Azure Notification Hubs.
A package of pre-built classes that facilitates many functionalities, like notifiable objects, resettable objects,...
all built on describable objects which use dictionaries to store property values (to prevent using reflection too much)
Nice WPF equivalent of Toast Notifications. Works in any windows application type, including console.
EntityFramework perstistence implementation to store push subscriptions with PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2.
Abstractions for push subscription management using PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2.
Commonly used types:
this library is owned by
Fork of Notifications.Wpf with a fix for crash on notification Close()
Represents a logging component for .NET Framework 4.6.1 that supports writing log messages in a file, sending email notifications and logging in a MongoDB database.
Notification framework non-delivery reports handling for AWS SES
Notification framework non-delivery reports handling
Notification framework AWS SES dispatching method
Notification framework MongoDb storage
Notification framework EntityFrameworkCore storage
Notification framework
Toast notifications for WPF