Top 20 NuGet network Packages

C# Network protocol utility class library
Social Network server model.
Hazel Networking is a low-level networking library for C# providing connection orientated, message based communication via TCP, UDP and RUDP.
Web Utility and Helper Simplified
http and websocket server
Easy Data Transfer through Sockets
Package Description
A WPF control for visualizing and editing networks, graphs and flow-charts
.NET Framework network services library
Library for creating and using basic neural networks.
a ipaddress library
Simplified UDP and TCP client and server wrappers
A component to detect network connectivity for windows application
A simple and lightweight TCP server library
TCP client API for server maintained at
GladNet3's (Glader's Library for Advanced Development of Network Emulation Technologies) crypto API. Install this package if you need to implement a cryptographic implementation to be used in the GladNet3 networking.
Provides virtual network management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Machine Learning library for .NET Core