Top 20 NuGet network Packages

Package Description
A lightweight .netstandard 2.0 neural networking library
MaxMind GeoLite geo ip resolver for ServerSideAnalytics
Package Description
Main contract (interfaces) for package NeuralNetwork.Structure. Used by packages NeuralNetwork.Structure (implementations) and NeuralNetwork.Learning
Stomp codec for DotNetty
Stomp codec for DotNetty
Http codec for DotNetty
Local Network Discovery Library for .NET projects
Network Communications library for .NET projects
Network library that simplifies networking to using a few attributes. It takes care of serialization and encryption.
EasyNetwork simplifies the process of making client and server applications by abstracting most network code(event handlers, serialization, encryption, etc.). It is very unit test friendly.
Utilize ML5 Library from c# in Blazor Client.Play with Teachable Machine models or Create a Neural Network model or use a Image Classifier or Sound Classifier or YOLO or COCOSSD model or PoseNet model , visit Github for documentation.
Network Communications library for .NET projects
A simple and easy to use networking library for .net core
Network Authentication Expansion of Core Library
Provides easy to use networking. Send and recieve any c# object or file in as little as six lines. Works straight out-of-the-box. Many ways to configure and get more granular control making it easy to use in any project type.