Top 20 NuGet network Packages

Transient error detection strategies to use with Windows Azure Service Bus or the Service Bus for Windows Server, for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz").
This allows developers to create projects that use IGEC.
.NET sockets made easy (Now part of MniakLibs)
Splunk>MINT Xamarin Android Java Bindings
Splunk>MINT Xamarin iOS Classic API Objective-C Bindings
Managed Windows network api wrapper.
Generic network
A lightweight RPC framework for .NET built on nanomsg (server side library)
Fun with sockets in C#.
A lightweight TCP Socket Server/Client Library network related like: ftp/async socket DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of preci...
Simit Network Library
Simple library for client-server network communication with as less dependencies as possible. Use packets to encapsulate your data which can be encrypted using either RSA or AES. For RSA you can choose to use padding scheme OAEP or not. For AES you can choose to generate a key of length 16, 24 or 32...
A .NET class library that abstracts away the details of asynchronous network programming.
You can do a lot of http requests through different proxies.
A simple event-based UDP socket listener
A lightweight network library. (personal libs)