Top 20 NuGet network Packages
YukiNet is a Networkframework for Games. First version only for Unity Engine.
Contains basic mechanisms to communicate between network adapters encapsulating sockets and utilizing xml documents.
MindFusion.Diagramming adds to applications the ability to create and present flowchart and process diagrams, workflow and data flow charts, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational and classification charts, hierarchy and relationship diagrams, networks, graphs, trees, and more.
The b...

Ads Monetization SDK for C++ / DirectX Interop / IL2CPP Windows 10 apps and games - The best alternative ad network for the Microsoft Advertising SDK
AdsJumbo SDK for C++ / IL2CPP / DirectX Windows 10 apps and games. Monetize your Windows 10 app or game with banner and interstitial ads with top revenue and 100% fill rate. AdsJumbo advetising SDK supports UWP, Unity3D and HTML5 apps. Increase your revenue opportunities by putting ads in your Unive...
MS Windows related tools like icon extraction, reading data from url-files, put text into clipboard, Network, getting metadata from DNS or DHCP or Active Directory
Terminal media component helps you to communicate using using modem communication.
A strong http client for .NET with high usability
Json.NET web client
This library allows the creation of Manager, Root and Block services for a CoudB network infrastructure: applications which want to expose a machine through a specific network protocol (eg. TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.) will reference this library for all the major storage and operational features.
An input synchronization library.
Stacks - reactive actor/network library
.NET library for Yandex.Detector web service ( that supplies information about capabilities of mobile devices based on provided HTTP headers.
Library for working with network
Расширения для управляемой и быстрой выкачки контента из сети.
A lightweight RPC framework for .NET built on nanomsg (client side library)
Catty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework for C#.
EntityNetwork for Unity3D
HttpLibrary.Net PCL is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to access web resouce by http request and response.
By inheriting Request and Response classes, function can be implemented in unified way. Multithread access is supported. Request can be classifie...
HttpLibrary.Net PCL is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to access web resouce by http request and response.
By inheriting Request and Response classes, function can be implemented in unified way. Multithread access is supported. Request can be classifie...