Top 20 NuGet net Packages
AltarNet3 (or AN3 for short) is a library that facilitate the creation of TCP servers/clients, along with UDP. TCP connections can be secured via SSL, with only a few easy steps. It comes with a powerful FTP manager, taking advantage of .NET 4.5's new asynchronous pattern (Async/Await), featuring c...
R Scheduler Contracts
PackageNet takes PackageWeb a step further to extend web packages for ANY .net project so that you can publish a package to different environments. Your packages will contain all of your *.config transforms.
Extension methods allowing using Lambda Expressions instead of magic strings in your ASP.NET MVC 5 application. Currently supported: - RedirectToAction(c => c.Index()) - RedirectToActionPermanent(c => c.Index()) - AddModelError(m => m.Property, "Invalid property") - Html.ActionLink(c => c.Index()) ...
This component provides async extensions for System.Net.FtpClient library.
Провайдер, позволяющий выполнять запросы к CSV-файлам так, как если бы они были обычной базой данных. Поддерживается синтаксис SQL-запросов в стиле MySQL. Поддерживаемые ключевые конструкции: - SELECT - FROM/INNER JOIN/LEFT JOIN/RIGHT JOIN - WHERE - GROUP BY - HAVING - ORDER BY - LIMIT - агрегационн...
Net Firewall Helper
Giving you helperfunctions for Asp.Net-Projects in addition to the ones from Asp.Net-WebPages-Lib
Typed ActionLinks for use in ASP.NET MVC
Wrapper for the pawn abstract machine written in C#
WbTstr.Net is a fork of FluentAutomation which provides a fluent syntax to write your tests.
FAP.NET or simply 'FAP' aka Functional API Pages w/ .NET, a functional REST server implementation
Appender for log4net to log in MongoDB
Some web useful extension methods for .NET 4.0 or above
NAnt scripts to build your .NET-Projects