Top 20 NuGet net Packages

Utils for Xamarin.
Wrapper around System.IO.Compression
A .NET API library for and url shortening services.
Transmission Client .NET Core
Abstraction for popular dependency resolvers
NET port of the Unfluff web scraper library which can be found at
Firebase.NET implements Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP Protocol that enables sending notifications to Android, iOS and Web through Firebase Cloud Messaging.
.NET Core implementation of Basic Authentication
A simple library for HTTP communication.
Common tools for ASP.NET Web Api applications
Simple framework for bdd tests using any other testing framework
Library for reading ARK Survival Evolved savegame files including easy to use .NET domain model.
TGUI is an easy to use cross-platform GUI library for SFML. This package includes the 64-bit .Net binding to TGUI.
This is a Ninject MvxIoCProvider for MvvmCross.
A C# .NET wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API. - NOT FEATURE-COMPLETE. If you have any requests on features that should be implented as a priority, head over to the GitHub page ( and raise an Issue there. To contribute, please check the Contribut...
.NET Core library to parse FBX binary and text files.