Top 20 NuGet net Packages

Coub Search API C#/.Net Core wrapper
Simple API wrapper for
Simple API wrapper for
OMDB_API_Wrapper is an easy-to-use RESTful API wrapper/client for the Open Movie Database API ( This API wrapper focuses on being simple to use, efficient and respects the terminology used in the OMDB API documentation.
Progress reporting toolbox
Fully typed Alpha Vantage API wrapper written in C# for .NET Core
Simple but handful math functions
Cross-platform ANSI-based multicolor terminal library
Adds extension methods to deal with concurrency using EntityFramework.SqlServer. Contains handling for: - Conflict handling: Dublicate keys / Double Adds - Conflict handling: Add / Update - Conflict handling: Update but deleted in the meantime - Ignore Deleted in the meantime errors - Ignore Dublica...
SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
Adds extension methods to deal with concurrency using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework. Contains handling for: - Conflict handling: Dublicate keys / Double Adds - Conflict handling: Add / Update - Conflict handling: Update but deleted in the meantime - Ignore Deleted in the meantime errors -...
.Net library for connecting to the Levelmaster Realtime Data Stream
OAuth authentication for popular services. LinkedIn v2, GitHub, Facebook v3.3, Google v2
EntityFramework storage for related entities generator
Cookign is a new library that is responsible for managing the identification and authorization of users on websites.
Common MR Api tools
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view component attribute assertion methods.