Top 20 NuGet net Packages

aliyun sms sdk
aliyun net core sdk
Simple.Net is a component with simple methods to make coding... Simple!
Pinyin4net is a .net library supporting convertion between Chinese characters and Pinyin systems.
Aplicacion para contabilidad
Aplicación para el manejo de inventarios
Aplicaci�n para el manejo de ....
Aplicaci�n para sumar dos n�meros
Mi primer NuGet del perro canequero
Attention: You must have either X86 or x64 set as your build platform in order to reference these binaries!!! (Any CPU is not supported) A job object allows a group of processes to be managed as a unit. Job objects are namable, securable, sharable objects that control attributes of and assign limit...
Package Description
Visaul Basic Azuki bean
Cross platform Asp.NET host.
Mup, which is short for Markup Parser, is a cross-platform library written in C#. It targets .NET Standard 1.0 making it available for a wide variety of devices and applications. The main purpose of the library is to support parsing Lightweight Markup Languages into various output formats, su...
My package description.
It is infrastructure for .NET projects.Contains code helpers for WPF with MVVM pattern.
Useful functions and extension based on NetStandard 2.0