Top 20 NuGet native Packages

A slick foundation for game developers.
Khronos OpenXR headers required to build a Win32 or UWP OpenXR application
A collection of .NET components that wrap PInvoke calls to access native API by managed code.
xlw - Excel xlls made easy
Native assets for Glacie.Data.Compression
Native assets for Glacie.Data.Compression
Native assets for Glacie.Data.Compression
Python 3.8.5 customized build by Opteamizer
Insight Tool Kit is a Medical Image Processing Tool
TensorRT customized build by Opteamizer
This package contains all you need for a working GLFW.NET environement with .NET Core. This is multiplatform implementation (64bits) for Linux, macOS and Windows.
C# Chomium (Chrome/Edge) Native Messaging Library
i haven't found any native skia builds on nuget so far, so i have decided to make one. DISCLAIMER: your c/c++ project needs to be using a *dynamic* runtime library, otherwise this package will prevent your project from building.
Microsoft Information Protection SDK File API for .NET Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) is the unification of Microsoft's classification, labeling, and protection services, into a single administration experience and software development kit (SDK). Unified administration is provided across...
boost_filesystem-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.1.1.
boost_filesystem-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.1.1.
Provides targets for invoking MidlRT to support projects using MIDL2 and MIDL3