Top 20 NuGet native Packages

Package description
The Windows SDK available as a NuGet package for more seamless acquisition and CI/CD integration. This package is designed for C++ applications. One or more architecture-specific packages are required (Microsoft.Windows.SDK.cpp.<.arch>).
Open Asset Import Library (short name: Assimp) is a portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner. The most recent version also knows how to export 3d files and is therefore suitable as a general-purpose 3D model converter.
Vrigar Technologies customized build by Opteamizer
OpenCV 4.2 C++ Libraries
Package description
DLLs used as references in C# project Coordinator
The gflags package implements C++ commandline flag processing. It includes built-in support for standard types such as string, int, and enum. Flags are generally defined in the source file in which they are used. This nuget package only contains the static library (with threading support). For othe...
LibYAML covers presenting and parsing processes. Thus LibYAML defines the following two processors: Parser, which takes an input stream of bytes and produces a sequence of parsing events. Emitter, which takes a sequence of events and produces a stream of bytes.
C++ library for reading Morrowind plugin files.
Microsoft VisualStudio 2017 CppUnitTestFramework Libraries
Crashpad built for MSVC-14.2
Torch Shared customized build by Opteamizer
Torch Release customized build by Opteamizer
Torch Include customized build by Opteamizer
Torch Debug customized build by Opteamizer
boost asio wrapper. Restbed is a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that require seamless and secure communication over HTTP, with the ability to model a range of business processes, designed to target mobile, tablet, desktop and embedded production environments...