Top 20 NuGet native Packages

GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows
Yet a better C wrapper for cppjieba
(Updated with MKL 2019.2.187) Intel MKL native libraries for Math.NET Numerics on Linux.
Native.SDK 工具集
酷Q机器人Native Csharp SDK
功能 —— 有效缓解DLL劫持攻击 我们知道,加载dll时是有搜索顺序的,具体顺序可以参考MSDN —— dynamic-link-library-search-order。 这个顺序给我们提供便利的同时也引入了安全隐患,比如的程序根目录放上修改版的 version.dll、msimg32.dll或者其他。如果你的程序直接或者间接的依赖了这些dll,那么极有可能被劫持。
GMock for Windows
GTest for Windows
It's test project
Library that can install Chrome Native Messaging hosts for Chrome extensions
Library that implements a Native Messaging Host for Chrome extensions
OpenSSL 1.0.2q libraries
Chorus is an end-user collaboration library via 3-way xml merging and hg dvcs under the hood. This package provides the Mercurial implementation that Chorus uses.
LinksPlatform's Platform.Delegates is a Template Library what contains set of C++ abstract class templates for a simple event engine. Use Platform.Delegates.h file to include the library.
Don't strave(Together) static animation files resolver&intermadite XML decompiler/compiler
Included a Klei's tex file loader, atlas parser(not stable), and some convert function visual studio 2019 is needed
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description