Top 20 NuGet native Packages

Python 3.8 API
In C++ you can get the compilation time using the __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros, but that macros returns strings representing the date and time and not values we can use to compare. Sometimes we need to compare this dates and times, maybe because we want to know at runtime whether or not our program...
Built with Visual Studio 2019 for x64 and x86.
Optimized for use with .NET Core: The cuDNN 7.5 binary that is required to use Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK
Optimized for use with .NET Core: The CUDA 10.0 and Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 binaries that are required to use Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK
Optimized for use with .NET Core: The Microsoft C SDK for interfacing with Azure Kinect Body Tracking
Math parser evaluator
Math parser evaluator for complex numbers expressions
LinksPlatform's Platform.Interfaces is a Template Library what contains set of C++ concepts templates. Use Platform.Interfaces.h file to include the library.
GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows