Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

NuGet CommandLine Extensions for MainBrain build scripts.
Collection of tasks, usefull for automating builds.
Configures a project to automatically minify and/or bundle CSS and JS files during build. No extra dependencies are added to your project. Setup ajaxmin xml config files as required.
Configures a project to automatically compile all less files to css during build. No manual setup required and no dependencies added to your project
Configures a project to automatically compile all SASS/SCSS files to css during build. No manual setup required and no dependencies are added to your project
A set of msbuild tasks to support automated build for projects
This package has a powershell script. You will reference it, then tweak your .csproj to invoke it appropriately to modify your PDBs
RefCheck - is a Nuget reference checking tool for VisualStudio soultions. This package bundles the tool to be run as a pre-build step.
MsBuild helpers for BizTalk
Generates the ThisAssembly partial class and adds a Vsix property containing properties from the source VSIX extension manifest file. These might be useful for conditional behaviors, diagnostics and tracing, and more. Included properties are: Identifier, Name, Description and Author.
General purpose msbuild command line build environment.
Msbuild target to change the version in UWP package.appxmanifest file from AppVersion param
An extensions for MSBuild from PearXTeam
Get msbuild info as cli tool
Core library for all ClickTwice publish tools, including the host libraries
MSBuild custom tasks to help with the build process