Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Advanced Evaluator of MSBuild scripts aka Advanced MSBuild with user-variables support through Varhead and more. (name = " - Platform is a (Platform) ") (name += ( …:project )) (i += 1) / (i -= 1) / (name += "str") (( …:( … ))) ...
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
The most portable alternative to Microsoft.Build for evaluating, manipulating, and other progressive data processing in a compatible XML-like syntax.
MSBuild target for creating NuGet packages.
Provides convenience for code that will be consumed by Unity projects.
Parse sln files
Midori includes a number of helpers for common functionality needed during builds, including: * Sql - Create dbs with SMO, execute SQL scripts, backup / restore and copy MDBs. Ship MDBs as part of a build, or run intgration tests against a fresh DB. * HipChat - send notifications ...
Provides an MSBuild task to control MinCat.
An ms build task that can: compresses images into a single image, and then creates a css file to split image into sprites; compresses js into a single file, and css into a single file.
Prepares standard .NET project to build PSModule project. PSModule projects distributes Powershell module as nuget package.
After adding this NuGet package to your Visual Studio Package project the build process will be updated and the .vsix file created will be compressed. The % of compression varies from project to project, but its common to see results from 40-70%. By having a smaller .vsix file when users...
Convention based build pipeline for custom MSBuild projects
Convention based nuget package creator build as msbuild script. This package will copy the nuget.targets file to a .build folder inside your project.
Comand line tool generating html report from xml. It render warnings, errors and adnotations in source code. It can be easy integrated with continous integration servers and reports can be published as artifacts.
MSBuild task checking whether TestFixture attribute is set on test classes (classes with suffix Test).
MSBuild task checking whether HintPath is set correctly.
MSBuild task checking whether the app.config or web.config contains unwanted assembly redirects. When updating Nuget packages, nuget can sneak in assembly redirects. This tasks checks that there are no binding redirects.
ConfigZilla is a solution for applying transformations to *.config files across an entire solution in a quick and DRY-ish manner. It also provides a GUI for easy encrypting and decrypting of config files.
Build tasks that enable running PowerShell scripts from MSBuild.
Smart project references that resolve even if project is not in solution.