Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Template-based translation with dictionaries. Strings surrunded with ${ } in the templates are translated by a looup in the (provided) dictionary.
An MSBuild target for linting TypeScript code using Lesshint.
Allows installing a Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) to arbitrary Visual Studio versions and registry hives. Example: <InstallVsix VisualStudioVersion="$(VisualStudioVersion)" VsixPath="MyExtension.vsix" RootSuffix="$(VSSDKTargetPlatformRegRootSuffix)" />
Provides the IsAdministrator task which returns Result=True if the current user belongs to the built-in Windows role Administrator.
Redefines the XmlPoke built-in task so that it preserves whitespace and formatting. Drop-in replacement.
Just by installing this package, a zip archive file (.zip) that contains the output files will be created in the output folder when building the project (at default configuration, it works only "Release" build). The zip arhive file name contains assembly version text.
F# and .NET Core SDK working together
Writes items with their full metadata to an MSBuild project "fragment". The resulting XML file can be directly imported by an MSBuild project, or read on-demand by the ReadItemsFromFile MSBuilder.
Library with core components for edmx model creating.
A project template for creating a new MSBuild extension package.
Provides simple MSBuild integration to add the Git Commit Hash and Git Branch Name to the current build as MSBuild properties.
Reads items and their metadata from an MSBuild project that contains an ItemGroup. For use together with the WriteItemsToFile task.
MSBuild task for generating metadata xml file for Web API OData service
The MSBuild task for Automaty - a .NET Core based code automation tool for .NET Core projects.
MSBuild integration for NuGet package creation
The PowerShell script to build the project and create a ZIP file.