Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Automatic changelog generation based on SemVer and GitFlow, with support for GitHub links.
MSBuild task for automatic versioning of assemblies.
NReco XML models processor MSBuild task
Google Closure integration for WinJS Universal Apps
LESS integration for WinJS Universal Apps
An MSBuild task library for executing Deflector within Visual Studio.
Build action that transforms text files using pandoc. Transform markdown, LaTeX or docx to HTML or PDF during build. This project is just a wrapper around the awesome pandoc tool. See for all the formats and options.
Prepares any .NET project to build nuget installation package. In addition of standard *.nuspec file, this msbuild task will also merge *.partial.nuspec file to form complete .nuspec package definition. Check Readme.txt for more details.
Support for Build Variables in Universal Apps
This NuGet package adds configurable MSBuild tasks to your project so that you can easily create and publish NuGet packages automatically after your project is built.
Build tools for style and code analysis checking.
Run a multitude of node tools as a MSBuild task
Injects a specific project with an extension so projects can be easily extended with custom build targets or properties without touching the project file and as a consequence thereof losing control and overview.
MSBVSProjectType (MSBuild Visual Studio Project Type) is a collection of MSBuild properties which make it easier to work with custom MSBuild Scripts.
MSBuild.MSBRMBuildInfo (MSBuild Release Management Build Info) is a simple solution to enable Application Insights deployment markers in an application without manually editing MSBuild files.
NuGet package which contians a PS module which can be used to for web publishing. Note: this is just a sample.
NuGet package which contians a PS module which can be used to for web publishing. Note: this is just a sample.
A Powershell module for building and NuGet-packing .Net projects. A convenient and easy to use module for those who need to package projects but don't have a full blown continuous-integration environment to do it for them.
Cloud Foundry MSBuild Tasks