Top 20 NuGet monogame Packages

MonoGame 适配多种设备分辨率运行库。
Primitives for NuciXNA
Input management for NuciXNA
Data access layer for NuciXNA
GUI management and basic widgets for NuciXNA
Graphics management for NuciXNA
Just another UI Framework for MonoGame
A entity based turn based role-playing game framework
A entity based turn based role-playing game framework
A minimal and extensible tweening library intended to use with game engines - MonoGame, XNA, FNA, Unity and others.
An atlas for TexturePacker JSON.
Boost performance and reduce draw calls by batching multiple sprites together on a grid of render targets.
Simple MonoGame utilities to make game development life easier.
Extend keyboard and mouse input for MonoGame.
A Library for easing the use of MonoGame
manages sprites for geometric shapes in a mongame
A fleshed-out game loop from MonoGame with supporting classes, intended to be used as the core loop of larger games. 2D only. All types and methods exposed are immutable and functional, just like the lambda gods intended.