Top 20 NuGet mongodb Packages
MongoDB health monitor for Greentube.Monitoring allowing probes and health check of Mongo databases
Generic DAO abstraction layer for CosmosDB using MongoDB interface
Autumn.Mvc.Data.MongoDB is aspNet Core extension that will make it easier for you to write your REST Data Repository APIs based on MongoDB.Driver. Its purpose is to convert a query in RSQL format to lamba expression and to provide a pagination mechanism. Install it and test it! (show samples on gith...
AspNetCore MongoDB JWTIdentity is a library for produces access token from given information. The library is depends on AspNetCore.MongoDB.Identity.
The MongoDB Identity works like AspNetCore Identity. Just differents is store the identity to mongo store. You are easily manage the identity and this is awesome. You can also CRUD operation into MongoDB like AspNetCore.MongoDB library.
sensenet MongoDB blob storage provider makes it possible to store binaries in a separate binary storage instead of the main metadata database.
$ dotnet new -i Paulovich.Manga
$ dotnet new manga
It creates a .NET Solution with a layered backend (Domain - Application - Infrastructure - WebApi) with the Clean Architecture Style.
Generic DAO abstraction layer for CosmosDB using MongoDB interface
ASP.NET Core Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data for MongoDb.
ASP.NET Core Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data for MongoDb.
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
A caching library for redis.
Implementation of saga pattern for .NET Core
MongoDB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
This is a plugin for EasyData to use a MongoDb data store.
EasyData is a simple abstraction layer for persistence to various data stores. You can write your own plugin for a data store or select from a pre-existing one.
MongoDB Cache provider for Embedly Client for .NET