Top 20 NuGet mongo Packages

Squire mongo decoupled components.
MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for MongoDb
A utility for running MongoDB in an 'embedded' style.
A Mongo Query connector for Graphene, a scaleable and easy to use BI framework writing in C#. Graphene can be used to track various Metrics similar to Graphite. It pre-aggregates the data and uses a document store (like MongoDB/RavenDB).
a MongoDb data access library
Toolkit Data for mongo database
Appender for log4net to log in MongoDB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <log4net> <!--MongoDbAppender--> <appender name="UepMongoLogAppender" type="ForwardMongoLogger.Mon...
Migrate your mongo scripts in style
Performance library
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core Identity framework.
Um Repositorio Generico para sua camada de acesso a dados utilizando o MongoDB
Creates connection to local Mongo DB
MongoDB integration testing helper from .NET projects
Async data access implemantacion for MongoDB based on repository pattern.
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