Top 20 NuGet mongo Packages

An NLog Target for MongoDB persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 1.8
Test fixtures for .NET and MongoDB to make integration testin a little easier.
Mongol is a wrapper for the MongoDB Official C# Driver which makes it very easy to create repository pattern classes around strongly typed collections for POCO objects. Mongol also includes lambda-based property name resolution for building MongoDB Query/Update operations without magic strings...
This library is for adding optimistic concurrency control to MongoDB using techniques similar to Entity Framework as well as adding basic DbContext type of functionality to your applications.
An NLog Target for MongoDB persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 1.8.3
This library makes working with LINQ to MongoDB queries easier from C#. Specificially it is for debugging and runtime inquiry of LINQ queries. There are two basic use cases: (1) Explain a LINQ query (does it use an index for example?). (2) Convert a LINQ query to the JavaScript code run in MongoDB.
Mongo appender for Log4net
A lightweight wrapper around the .NET MongoDB ORM to automate object to collection name mapping.
An NLog Target for MongoDB 2.0 Driver persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 2.0
A multiple instance and thread safe unique number sequence generator.
This package contains base implementations for CQRS pattern on Repository.Mongo package. It is also possible to use Repository.Mongo.Cached package
A Mongo based jobs database
A set of services around managing MonJob subscriptions
Implementation that runs an embedded instance of MongoDB. Good for integration tests. This project is a copy of
Harness is a .NET library designed to manage the state of one or more Mongo databases during testing.
A package that implements Auditing for Entity Framework Core based DbContexts. It is extensible to allow other logging providers like MongoDB, Azure tables etc. Just inherit AuditingDbContext from your application's DbContext and use the overloaded SaveChange(string userName) instead of the standard...
Mongo migrations for dot net developers
Simple Repository for MongoDB. Alpha version.
MongoDB storage support as key store.