Top 20 NuGet mongo Packages

A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core 2 Identity framework.
MongoDB integration nodes for EtlLib: A simple ETL framework for .NET.
MongoUnitOfWork is an extensible library which implements the Unit of Work pattern on top of the Official MongoDB C# driver. It also supports multi-document transactions using two-phase commit as described in MongoDB documentation.
MongoDB.Fake is an in-memory implementation of IMongoClient, IMongoDatabase and IMongoCollection for unit test purposes.
MongoDb based identity framework for Asp.Net Core 2, forked from the excellent work from Matteo Fabbri
Provider for MongoDB in Chakra.Core framework
WebJobs/Azure Functions trigger providing reading and writing MongoDB documents directly to your functions
A common MongoDB helper based on MongoDB.Driver.
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core 2 Identity framework. Upgrade / to netcore2
Abstract MongoDB repository base class.
This is a Json convert utility that can serialize and deserialize objects with "ObjectId"(defined in MongoDB.Driver) type properties.
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core Identity framework.
Serializers for NodaTime objects
Adds Mongo support to BuddyAPI
A serializer and deserializer library for the ValueTuple type introduced in C# 7 for the MongoDB .NET Driver.
Data Model for GDS Smoker App, based on MongoDB
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core 2 Identity framework.
A wrapper of MongoDB.Driver, aimed to streamline the process of accessing and modifying documents in a MongoDB database.
Thin layer over MongoDB driver for .NET. It is mostly extension methods and builders. It allows to query MongoDB more easily.