Top 20 NuGet messagebus Packages

A lightweight message bus interface for .NET. The goal of this library is to introduce a slim facade for messaging brokers. Use one of the transport providers for in-process (in-memory), Apache Kafka or Azure Service Bus messaging.
Apache Kafka provider for SlimMessageBus
An easy-to-use and robust RabbitMQ client.
I-Synergy Framework Azure MessageBus for .net 8.0
The json serializer for Zaaby.RabbitMQ base by Jil
Simple provider for SlimMessageBus for in process message passing. Messages are stored in memory (state is transient).
Azure Service Bus provider for SlimMessageBus
Redis transport provider for SlimMessageBus
Message Bus infrastructure based on RabbitMQ message broker
Extensions for SlimMessageBus to integrate it with ASP.NET Core dependency injection
This library offers a lightweight message bus interface for .NET, providing a streamlined facade for messaging brokers. It supports various transport providers for popular messaging systems as well as in-process (in-memory) messaging.
The Interface/BaseClass/Attribute for Zaaby.RabbitMQ
MongoDb SSL implementation of IProcessManagerFinder.
An observable microservice bus .NET library, based on Reactive Extensions. Search 'Obvs' for other transport, serialization, and logging extensions.
Message Bus infrastructure based on RabbitMQ message broker
Azure Event Hubs provider for SlimMessageBus
The xml serializer for Zaaby.RabbitMQ base by Xml
I-Synergy Framework MessageBus for .net 8.0
PeachtreeBus is intended to be a light weight message bus system focused integration with SQL server for its transport and persistence, while playing nicely with applications built using Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection.
The ISerializer for Zaaby.RabbitMQ