Top 20 NuGet line Packages
With Argument Reader command line argumets can be passed into a .net core application. The standard project assist 4 types of argumnets:
Strings (*)
Integer (#)
Doubles (##)
Own argument tyoes can be build with own classes. They need to inheri...
Simple API for handling command line options
Cliente de linea de comandos para los workshops de netschool :)
TextScope - It is a scope activity.It keeps only the file path. It doesn't keep the text file resource.
DeleteAt - Delete the line at specific line
Find & Replace All - Find and replace in entire file.
FindReplaceAt - Find and replace the text in a specific from and to line (if doesn't know the To l...
Softmake All Command Line Interface. Através da instalação dos pacotes SoftmakeAll.SDK.Fluent é possível administrar 100% dos recursos da plataforma via linha de comando. Extremamente útil para automatizar processos em nível de sistema operacional.
This library allows our fellow programmers to easily parse some command line arguments
without having spend hours reading the documentation. SimpleArgParse is inspired by the
python module 'argparse' and was created due to the lack of easy-to-use argument parsers.
.net core Razor Page Item Templates
LIFF Item Templates
.net core Taurus Web Fx Razor Page Model CRUD Item Templates