Top 20 NuGet line Packages

An easy way to run command line tasks for any .Net project. Add a CLI to an app in seconds.
NOTE: since v1.2.0 it's a Portable Class Library. Due to the nature of Portable Class Libraries, it's not possible to maintain the System.Windows.Media.Media3D namespace (and extending it). Instead all classes now orignate from TCD.Mathematics TCD.Mathematics provides classrs, which allow advanced ...
Provides Methods and Attributes to simple build command line like cmd.
A collection of tools for working with C# and other code
Command line parsing library emphasizing simple configuration as well as versatility and power.
A tiny C# class to handle arguments sent to a console application. Tiny uses the power of Dynamic and ExpandoObject in .Net 4 to dynamically populate name-value pairs from the arguments passed to the command line. Tiny's argument parsing depends on separators for name-value pairs, for example if...
A C# library for building command-base console applications. Inspired by python's argparse.
Simple menu handler for console applications. Forked from Microsoft Patterns Practices Unity Application Block Samples
A small toolkit for the surprisingly complex issue of managing process arguments.
A rich and elegant library for parameter-parsing that supports various syntaxes and flavors.
Cmd.Net is convenient and laconic API for creating command line applications.
A library to enable simple multi-pane console applications parse command line arguments DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious test r...
Command line options parser
This is a NuGet packages merge utility which lets you merge two .nupkg packages (two .NET Framework Versions) into a single .nupkg package.
Simple CommandRunner to bootstrap console applications
The lightest .NET utility for processing command line arguments
Framework for building command-line applications in C#